Blinking Out
Passage of Time, Logan Sullivan My father and I used to watch stars go out, Up on the hill. We would pull the soiled recliners, Out…
Passage of Time, Logan Sullivan My father and I used to watch stars go out, Up on the hill. We would pull the soiled recliners, Out…
Untitled, Zachary Vaughn On a closed silver garbage can next to boxelders and cockroaches, cigarette butts and rat droppings, broken baby rattles and urine-soaked diapers, a matching…
Self-Hatred, Logan Sullivan when I put the last dish in the drainer, when I light a candle and set it on the coffee table, when I merge…
Devil’s Claw, Victoria Barry that’s jagged and circular like a small stone severed from a larger rock The dried blood cavernous and sharp Pussing from the eye of the sore…
Beach, Jacob Roosa i. tightly spun egyptian cotton, imported of course, wraps up your wet body like it did for pharaohs. you picture kings who lounged about…
Untitled, Zachary Vaughn Five o’clock shadows cast down their doubting eyes. They turn my wall – a hapless host to a lone Light Bulb – gray. My…
Interlocked, Roma Parikh Everyone I want to love is knuckle-distance away on a map the size of my hand. We are fingertips on opposite sides of glass, telephonic voices…
Small House Near Nowhere, Emily Hill Friday, Kristin cuts vegetables into finer things, searches the weekly chicken like a dead body. The bones are boiling away for soup— …
Wish You Were Here, Nia Owen After Rainer Maria Rilke Sometimes a claims adjuster stands up during an HR meeting and walks out of the office, drives away and…
War is Over, by Ernest Volynec For what we knew to be our second date We went to go see some spoken word poet the campus had brought in.…
Dreamscape II, Meagan Dwyer [Trigger Warning: Depiction of death] “if a man cannot drown in his struggles, at least he can float for a while” black folk be boat be…
Overloading, Qintong Li When the old man brought his payment in dimes and hard candies, she hesitated. Peering into his mackerel-blue eyes, she suggested an installment plan. The…
Suffocating Nature, Camelia Rojas For a time I believed in the longevity of a dew-swept skyscape, how the sun-drop suspended itself over hazy blue hills like in my dream…
nuns still teach abstinence in school, written on the blackboard in thick block letters. “Kissing is bad, too,” they tell the sixth graders, who like neither themselves nor each other.…