A New World of Light, Jake Fisher Maple brush sifting thick curls awakens spiteful currents— traveling to your fingertips— bridging a circuit with the brass door knob— giving your…
A New World of Light, Jake Fisher Maple brush sifting thick curls awakens spiteful currents— traveling to your fingertips— bridging a circuit with the brass door knob— giving your…
Media Naranja, Julianna Drew they say my accent is almost gone, but maybe i never had an accent to begin with. is it the way the Rs roll off…
Interlocked, Roma Parikh There’s a prince of these streets who knows where he is and it isn’t here His blue Mohawk crown and pale, skinny chest —bare beneath…
Black Magic, Francine Thompson [Trigger Warning: Depictions of police brutality] My youngest sister is a 10-year-old girl… Not just a 10-year-old girl, But a 10 year old black girl. Not just a…
Karla with Candle, Kreuzberg, Berlin, Samantha Metzner [Trigger Warning: Graphic sexual content including r*pe and incest] We shall assume I’m the villain of this story. I usually am. I was,…
Old Man Feeding Birds, Daniel Mrotek You skitter mad, Jack, misguided ballistic with a lazy left eye and your high-pitched whine of a fuselage dripping coolant immediately crystalline…
Untitled (athlete), Katie Burleson I’ve talked to the freckle pressed into the pinky and sometimes the dimple on her ankle sings to me. I’ve watched as her lion hair…
Popcorn, Karlen Lambert [Trigger Warning: Depictions of mental illness and gore, brief racist language] 2 At least twice a week I drive either to, or from Red Wing, Minnesota, from …
Into the Ether, Nicky Meaux In the 1940s and 1950s, the splatters and color fields of Abstract Expressionism became the predominant American art form. Regarding the movement,…
Collection, Mary Hitchings I can’t breathe– like paper cuts behind my eyelids I cough up banana peels every time I kill a spider. I miss laughing and the jingle…
Kelpa, Justine Stewart [Trigger warning: graphic body horror] They made their nest in the nook of her neck. It was a Tuesday, if she remembers correctly, when she first noticed…
Impact, Heather Thornton Autumn shuns Niagara Falls; it always has. The cold water has always been cold, The bare trees have always seemed bare, The ground is…
Dreamscape II, Meagan Dwyer [Trigger Warning: brief mentions of abortion, depictions of child abuse, eating disorders, graphic medical depictions, brief ableist language] “If you could have any superpower, what would…
Look Up, Brandon Mark [Trigger Warning: brief mentions of drug use] Kid He tripped. His name was Jason and he tripped over his shoes that were too big. His brother…
The Depression, Ann Mangano In the kitchen, Manprit chopped a yellow onion into long, thin strands. She pushed the pile off the cutting board and into a bowl with…