After Y. Murakami
A Clarifying Moment, Alyssa Noel Original Calm and serene The sound of a cicada Penetrates the rock. Translation Don’t matter how calm. A cicada’s mere sound could Defeat Dwayne Johnson. Omar…
A Clarifying Moment, Alyssa Noel Original Calm and serene The sound of a cicada Penetrates the rock. Translation Don’t matter how calm. A cicada’s mere sound could Defeat Dwayne Johnson. Omar…
Opulent, Taharah Islam Step 1. Massage product into scalp and rinse thoroughly. Recall what she taught you about the Roman funeral: how it was the only time in antiquity that a…
Dusk in the City of Angels, AJ Favorito I spend a cold summer searching …
Rose-Covered Glasses, Margaret Wright My Grandmother’s diary entry for September 8, 1943 reads: “Italy surrendered. Permed my hair.” Growing up, I spent most of my time with her, our houses…
Pink Creek, Louise Rossiter Winter ends, and the lake thaws: frostscape turned fairyland,flies flit through lilies, the surface serene. The boatmanunhitches his crafts at the coming of spring; the heat…
Poppies and WD-40, Chloe Moulin I remember when Julia and I hopped a wall by the river to recreate her parents’ wedding day. The only thing between us and that convent…
How Long Will You Love Me, Eric Tran Where else can politicians And cannon balls meet Besides steely, destructive, And inappropriate for a wedding? About the Author Tanner Whitney · University…
An Ode to Breakfast, Emma Lassiter We pass each other in our reshall and I ask, immediately, how you’re feeling. You stare, dazed, thinking 3:48 am is the wrong time for…
Fever Dream, Emily Lawson Do not watch films only once or twice. Study them like that third trimester sonogram. Try to find the family nose. Watch film noir. Embrace the…
The Unexpected, Anasstassiya Selezneva It took a village. One house next to another, four in a row. Cousins and uncles on each end with grandparents in the middle. It took a…
This Ain’t Belle’s Rose, Adriana Barker Granstan didn’t much like driving on the Trace. Says they’re too many young bucks looking for love on that stretch. After a drink Granstan and…
The Complexity of Detail, Olivia Offutt I found the tense of life in my college French 102 class that I took because everyone I knew was in Spanish and French…
Untitled, Robert McGrady You, stranger, smell of rotting bananas but you smile like my mother after she covers the dining room table in candles and closes the lights. You stagger-step…
Behaviorism, Arjun Saatia Zara Envada wasn’t prone to panic or nervousness. Or any kind of fear at all, actually. She didn’t see much point to it. But one who was…
Pink Creek, Louise Rossiter [TW: Depictions of death and suicide] Wren August 4, 1996 I know most people say life is too short, but I think…
Haku, Anna Hiltner oh, but cain, i was never going to be what they prophesied i would become. this mud hardened into brick too soon and now columns lie prone …
Gas Station, Oscar Zenteno “Please choose your payment type,” said the voice from the self-checkout machine. The letters blinked at Fatima. The store, alive with noise a few moments before,…
Catacombes de Paris, Elle Griffiths “It was the summer of 2016,” Alex said, stalwart against the bonfire light. “No one fucking listened to me. I told ’em it was all…