
7 Things I Don’t Have the Chance to Tell You

Self-Hatred, Logan Sullivan

1. I learned how to braid. The YouTube tutorial was awful,
And I ripped out most of your mom’s hair.
2. The ballet recital you were rehearsing for,
I learned the whole dance.
3. Yes, the coffee mug you broke was my favorite, but I didn’t care.
And I still don’t.
4. I got you the bike you wanted for Christmas. I still haven’t returned it.
5. Your bed is still unmade, and your room is exactly how you left it. A mess.
Both of us haven’t been able to go in. The dog doesn’t either.
He just sits in front of the door, waiting for you to come out.
6. I have a folder of every picture you drew for me.
7. Your mom was the tooth fairy, and I was Santa Clause.
I hope you can forgive us.

About the Author

Leah Hamel · Mount St. Mary’s University

Leah is a senior Elementary Education major at Mount St. Mary’s University. This piece first appeared in Lighted Corners.

About the Artist

Logan Sullivan · Virginia Commonwealth University

Logan Sullivan studies Painting and Printmaking at VCUArts. See more of his art at https://logansullivanart.github.io/. This piece first appeared in Amendment.

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